Fort Langley Post Blend (Med-Darker Roast)


Origin: Too many to list 🙂

100% Arabica beans.

Former classic Christmas Blend which is a darker than medium- dark roast, just out on second snap, is rich and chocolatey smooth. Selected from some of our most popular coffees it is a well balanced blend and has a full-bodied bold flavour with a hint of spice. It has low acidity with sweet and mild caramel finish. It is a versatile blend and is suited to all brewing methods which is perfect for the festive season.


Due to the freshness of our coffee we recommend all coffee is stored in an “Airscape Coffee Canister” at room temperature, you can find an “Airscape Coffee Canister” in our online shop!

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 13 × 8 × 23 cm
Weight Per Bag

1 lb Bag, 2 lb Bag, 5 lb Bag


Whole Bean: Do not grind, Extra Coarse Grind: Cold Brewing, like the Toddy Brewer, Coarse Grind: French Press Pot, Cupping, Coarse – Medium Grind : Stove Top Perculator., Coarse – Medium Grind +: Electric Perculator, Some Solo Brewer, Chemex Brewer., Medium Grind: Home Drip, Medium Grind +: Single-cup Coffee Maker, Keurig, Verisimo, Commercial Drip Brewers., Medium Grind++: Stovetop Espresso Maker or Moka pot, Medium Fine Grind: Pour Over Cones, Fine Grind: Vacuum Pots, Siphon Brewers, Fine Grind +: AeroPress, Fine Grind ++: Home Manual Espresso,, Fine Grind+++: Commercial Manual Espresso Machines, Extra Fine Grind: Turkish Coffee


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